Thursday, April 5, 2012

I did it.....13.1 baby!!!!

Well I ran my first 1/2 Marathon in 2:28
I rocked that shit out and it hurt like hell and I can now cross that off
my bucket list and New Years goal

My men came down to support me...I felt sorry for them having to wait so damn
long....but they got into The Hunger Games books and sat in the car
and read for the 2 hours which helped time pass for them so I didnt feel
so dang guilty.

Yay I did it...crossing the finish line here :)

My Beer Socks went with me 13.1 miles

Guess who was also there?
Heather from The Pine Cone Tea Cup
(it was her damn idea)

yay I am freaking DONE

A fantastic feeling it was to be done with

And the best part is my ice bath and beer and my damn Medal