Tuesday, November 1, 2011

October Fun

Hello to you all from all of us

I hope you had a fantastic October it sure went fast
Did you do anything fun?
My October was a Big craft show and some adventures with the family
I love adventure time :)

We went to Wendal Farms like we do every year and did the corn maze

Yay we made it to the finish line and I must say we rock at doing these
Nathan found the exit 2 years in a row and it makes him proud that he rescued us
from staying in the corn till the farmer comes lol ;)

So after the corn maze this farm has lots of fun things to do and see and
so we went to pet the animals and ride the trik trak

A soft touch of the hand and a big smile in the heart as my son pets the animals
How can you not have love in your heart and you pet these beauties

My dream is to have my own billy goat and one of these days I will have
one of these little guys...I just love them

I got hungry

The farmers old house I think it musta been his parents old house
isn't it beautiful...yes I know the windows are all broken and it needs work but this
house is story and I love it...
We pass this house on a tractor ride back to the big pumpkin Fields and
I think it would be a great haunted house

So we got to see what its like to play with udders...lol..very hard
we would have died of thirst

They have a corn bin you get to play in and I think I have done this post before
because we cover Nathan every year and it is taking more and more corn to cover this
tall young man :) I remember our first year he was so tiny...my how time flys

Here is my baby our first year out at Wendal Farms
He was 4 years old what a cutie pie...ok, ok before I get sad onto more
of my October fun  LOL

We took a tractor ride out to the pumpkin patch and I got a quick pic with my son
Yes he is taller than me now and he is only 11 years old

We were eating Carmel candies so our mouths are a little weird

Me and My wonderful husband...What a great man he is
I am very blessed

And he searches for that perfect pumpkin and he has found it

Oh now the fun night of Trick or Treating...Here we are all dressed up

Nathan is a Party Rock dude from the 80's and he rocked
I took a box and made it to look like a ghetto blaster and cut holes in the top
so he can just use it to put all his candy in....It worked out great and
he got all kinds of compliments..

Nathan and my husband all dressed up and ready to go get some treats
And me and my boy
Yes this is me a meat eater...LOL

From my house to yours I hope you had a wonderful October

Now onto November Fun

1 comment:

  1. Oooh, this is so "Children of the Corn". LOL

    Looks like you all had a great time. Love the 80s costume.
