Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Oh Craft Space How I want you

So I am wanting to redo my work space in the basement and and of course I am
turning to pinterest for ideas and then the tears start (not really) but oh my gosh
some of the places these crafters have to play in takes my breath away!!!

Just look

I love how light and bright and this is...the little curtains reminds me of my
grandmas aprons she wears

The farm fresh feeling I get when I look at this room makes me want to
lay in a field and just dream

I am loving the dark bold color

I think this is my favorite so far...I love greens and and black
yes yes it is calling my name....Lisa...lisa :)

This is to dark for my taste but I would take it lol

goes to show you that you do not need alot of room to make an office space

I sure wish my work space got this much light
since I am in the basement I only have a small window so there is not much
natural light at all...depressing I know (boo)

Do you love the vintage feel of this space I sure do...

ok so can  you just say OH MY GOSH!!! 
I mean really this space is huge
I want it...I want it...please can I have it

such a simple and bright space

ok so while I go and dream and write down some of the must haves for my
own space I want to thank Pinterest for being such a time sucker in my life :)
and thank everyone that is a member for posting what they love.

I added my link to Pinterest if you wish to follow me :)


  1. What I love about all of these spaces is that everything has a place. I didn't think it was all that important before, but the more craft stuff you accumulate, the more you need a specific space for each thing. I'm working on it. To be continued...

  2. OMG Lisa you are right, some of those craft spaces! WOW Mine is in the loft, I don't need to much space but that being said I would love to be able to use my sewing machine up there. Whenever that mood strikes me I have to use the dinning room table, I'm sure we have all been there. :) Oh, and picked you up on pintrest...your right it does suck the day out of you!
